First, you may want to know who it is that you are asking for help with your sports game. A sport psychologist is in some ways like a coach, but one who specializes on your Inner Game; a professional who helps with your Mental Sports Performance.
And, here’s a sport psychologist who wants to help you take control of the Mental Side of Your Game, whatever it is; football, volleyball, basketball, wrestling, track, baseball, soccer, golf — or whatever sport you choose.
His full name is William H. Porter, and he has a Ph.D., or a doctorate, in psychology — but to the athletes with whom he works — call him Dr. Bill. He is licensed both as a coach and a psychologist. And, as his children were growing he participated as a sports parent, and coached a Colorado YMCA Middle School State Championship basketball team.
Dr. Porter holds a doctorate in psychology from the University of Southern California, and with a post doctorate at the Max Planck Institute for Psychiatry in Munich, Germany. To this he adds extensive clinical and sports experience; from the elementary, to high school, university, and professional levels. In addition, he holds certification as a Elementary and High School coach; he was licensed as a Master Educator by the Iowa Department of Education, and now as a Clinical Psychologist by the Iowa Department of Health.
The Inner Game Profile is a product of this sport psychologist’s varied experience. Dr. William H. Porter, uses his training and experience across the fields of Psychology; Educational, Clinical, Industrial and Sports. For more information, review Dr. Porter’s professional resume.
Dr. Porter’s office is located at 1475 23th Street, Mount Pleasant, Iowa 52641, and he can be contacted by phone;
319 400 4530, or email: